When you are carrying a stack of books or boxes, or something else that is completely uncomfortable, have you ever thought that it would be nice if the light turned on by itself? Or you drive up to the house, and you need to get out to open the garage, and the electricity, as luck would have it, was turned off?

With smart lighting in the house, everything becomes much easier! You can set the whole system on and off by yourself. Set the time through a special timer application, while not wasting time. Electricity turns on and off without your intervention. Moreover, with this configuration, you save on electricity, for example, if you forget to turn off something. Moreover, this technology uses LED lamps, which are much more ergonomic, functional and durable than ordinary ones.

Smart lighting also uses alternative sources of electricity, such as solar panels. It can be SES both hybrid and autonomous. But it is used in regions where it is almost impossible to lay a power line or the voltage is very low. This compensates for the lack of voltage in the power grid. Also, these lamps themselves accumulate solar energy and give it out at night in the form of light. This is very convenient if you have street lights.


  • The main light sources used are LED lamps.
  • For control use: switches; dimmers; sensors (light, motion, infrared, sound), communication modules (Bluetooth, WiFi, radio signals); HUB ports.
  • Actively connects to programmable and intelligent control systems, smart phone and IoT.

Lighting automation systems appeared at the end of the 20th century, but they acquired their relevance with the active introduction of LED technology. the use of such lamps helps to significantly reduce energy consumption compared to analogues using an incandescent system. And also significantly increase the durability of the light source itself.

Thanks to this, LEDs began to gradually replace even fluorescent lamps. And since 2015, active equipment of light sources with communication modules has begun, which greatly simplifies their use. Also, it opens up the possibility of adjusting the brightness of the light and focusing on certain elements of the decor of the garden or the interior of the house. For graphic designers, this creates additional visualization tools. Security systems with the introduction of smart lighting have become much more efficient. The very functionality in everyday life has increased.

The use of light sensors allows you to implement the simplest function – turn the light on and off on your own when necessary. It is actively used in the garden or house adjoining areas.

By adding such scanners and infrared cameras, the light will turn on when a person appears or is in the room.

You can apply it in any place convenient for you:

  • utility rooms;
  • toilet;
  • kitchen;
  • garden;
  • living rooms;
  • house territory;
  • Street lights;
  • office rooms;
  • workplace.

Thanks to the remote control or smartphone, the user can adjust the brightness and color of the light source. Create a pleasant environment and highlight a specific subject of interest to him. The same actions can be performed by an intelligent system. She may pay attention to the iron left on, or shoes on the threshold. Not to mention help with a comfortable awakening, household chores and going to bed. This is achieved by using the same control over the brightness of the general lighting throughout the house.