The age of high technologies makes its own adjustments to the media space of the whole world. Set-top boxes are an integral part of this network. Moreover, cable and satellite television have already faded into the background, giving way to this particular direction. And no wonder: it is much easier to watch your favorite shows and movies over the Internet. For example, a “dish” may lose signal due to the weather. Or, over time, the satellite may deviate slightly from its orbit. With a prefix, the matter is different – it takes everything directly from the network. Today we’ll look at how to choose a good set-top box in the EE online store. Let’s go!
In order for the set-top box from EE to optimally fit the TV, and its functionality fully meets your expectations, you need to carefully study the following characteristics of the selected set-top box:
- A set of interfaces for connecting to a TV;
- Hardware features of the set-top box (processor, memory, availability of a drive for storing content);
- Operating system type;
- Playable file formats;
- Options for connecting to the Internet;
- Case form factor;
- Power supply (built-in or separate power supply, power supply via USB);
- Equipment.
Tv Connection Options
The most preferred way to connect the media player to the TV receiver is an HDMI cable. This option allows you to take full advantage of HD video content or the highest resolution of the older SD standard. But not all TVs are equipped with an HDMI port. And if you have a relatively old TV model, when choosing a media set-top box, you must take into account the availability of the corresponding ports on both devices. In the EE online store you can find the right option for you!
Hardware Of Modern Android Set-Top Boxes
Usually in SMART TVs there are certain restrictions on increasing the ability to play content. These are the dimensions, the power of the power supply, the need for specialized software that controls all components of the device. But in media players, such restrictions are practically absent. Therefore, they are characterized by significant speed and support a greater number of applications.
More recently, a device with a dual-core processor, 2 GB of RAM and 8 GB of internal hard drive was considered the ultimate dream. Today, manufacturers have mastered the release of android set-top boxes on 4- and even 8-core processors. They come with more RAM and higher capacity SSD hard drive or built-in flash memory. Most often, modern TV boxes use Rockchip or Amlogic multi-core processors. In the most modest in terms of capabilities, Rockchip RK3066 models (2 cores). And in the newest ones with extended functionality – 8 nuclear Rockchip RK3288 or Amlogic S905. TV set-top boxes from EE equipped with such processors can support not only any type of content, but also quite resource-intensive games.
To connect a smart set-top box from EE to the Internet, a wired connection (LAN port) or a wireless Wi-Fi connection is used. In addition, most set-top boxes are equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 support.
Selecting The Operating System Of The Tv Set-Top Box
Modern smart set-top boxes have already approached laptops and even desktop PCs in terms of performance. Most often, TV boxes use the operating systems of the Windows and Android families. But there are devices running on LINUX OS. The latter are not very popular, as they have a rather modest selection of applications. There are also universal models that support two “OSes” – most often Windows and Android.
TV SMART set-top boxes on Windows are characterized by increased requirements for system resources. But they have a full BIOS. In addition, the pre-installed office software package can replace a traditional computer for some tasks.
Android set-top boxes are less demanding on hardware, so they have higher performance. These are the speed of switching channels (tasks) and the quality of video processing. More convenient search and less complicated process of installing and uninstalling applications.
Buy SMART set-top boxes from the EE online store and enjoy your favorite content!