Bicycling was once an invigorating and inexpensive form of transportation. To make this a real hobby, it did not require large investments and special equipment. Now everything has changed. A bicycle is far from a cheap pleasure that not everyone can afford. However, if there is a desire and means, it can become not only a hobby, but also a professional activity. Now, it is not enough just to buy a bicycle. To fully enjoy the ride, you need to carefully prepare and collect the necessary equipment. By the way, it can be ordered on the Hardloop website. Follow the pinned link!
Sports Helmet
Bicycle equipment starts from this point. In Russia, there is no law obliging to wear a sports helmet. This is a purely personal choice for each cyclist. However, wearing a sports helmet will become a kind of insurance against injury. That is why experienced cyclists recommend not skimping on head protection. They insist on buying a quality helmet so that cycling is as safe and comfortable as possible. The best and highest quality helmets can be ordered on the Hardloop website.
Protective Glasses
Most people do not consider it necessary to purchase safety glasses. In their opinion, they create discomfort while driving. In fact, everything is different. Special glasses protect from the sun, dust, wind, rain and stones that fly from under the wheels of cars.
As practice has shown, the lack of goggles adversely affects the eyes. The mucosa quickly dries up or, conversely, undergoes profuse tearfulness. Beginners are advised to purchase inexpensive glasses. They must be worn in all weathers.
Cycling Clothing
It is not necessary to buy special clothing designed for cyclists. A beginner can limit himself to cycling shorts and a regular T-shirt. The main thing is that the clothes fit snugly to the body and do not restrict movement. It is important for a cyclist to have a few inexpensive T-shirts in the wardrobe that absorb moisture well. Particular attention should be paid to cycling shorts. You can’t skimp on this piece of equipment. Cyclists recommend purchasing the most expensive cycling shorts if possible, as a cheap analogue causes discomfort while riding. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to clothes of well-known brands.
Clothing for cycling in the cold season should consist of 3 layers:
- Base.
- Thermal. Its quantity increases depending on the season.
- Outdoor waterproof.
It is not necessary to buy professional clothes. The main thing is that it keeps warm, does not get wet and has good ventilation.
However, good cycling and cycling clothing can be ordered on the Hardloop website.
To ride faster and more comfortably, it is best to purchase road shoes with pedal mounts. For a beginner, this may seem inconvenient and impractical. In fact, road shoes noticeably improve ride quality. Shoes for all types of cycling, as well as special socks, can be ordered on the Hardloop website.
Sometimes you have to ride a bike at night. It is for this case that it is necessary to have flashlights with you. The LEDs are very bright, which attracts attention. In addition, they are easy and simple to remove from the bike. Bicycle lights can be ordered from the Hardloop website. Follow the link!
Set Of Tools
Having started cycling, few people think about punctured tires and mechanical damage. But every experienced cyclist knows that you can’t hit the road without tools. During the trip, various incidents happen that can ruin the trip. No one wants to carry a bicycle with a broken tire for several kilometers. In order not to get into such a situation, you need to have a set of tools with you. It should include: a small pump (it can be attached to a bicycle frame); mounts; bike cameras; equipment for repairing punctured tires.
All necessary spare parts can be bought on the Hardloop website. Follow the link and choose the most suitable for you!