Do you like to observe the distant planets of our solar system? Or do you want to understand if there is life on Mars? Also, is the earth round or flat? For conspiracy theorists, seekers of truth and extraterrestrial life forms, as well as mere mortal scientists, there is the Celestron NexStar 4SE Computerized Telescope! What kind of apparatus is this, which is an excellent help for calculations and research in the field of astronomy and astrophysics? Let’s take a look at its features and specifications!
Main Features
First, the telescope has a Maksutov-Cassegrain mirror-lens system. Celestron NexStar 4SE has high definition image transmission. This allows you to see a lot of details on the surface of the planets of the solar system. Allows you to see the structural features, configurations of various nebulae and clusters of stars. This is facilitated by the proprietary StarBright XLT anti-reflective coating, which provides high image contrast. At the same time, the telescope has a fairly large focal length with a tube length of 343 mm. The compactness and portability of the telescope makes it possible to view the night and predawn sky in the conditions of a country house, cramped rooms and balconies of city flats. Moreover, you can take it with you to nature.
The telescope comes with a tripod with a half-fork mount. It is worth noting the SLR camera control function, which will be a great option for astrophotographers
The tripod base is equipped with an equatorial tripod. This means that if the mount is in a horizontal position, then you can use the Go-To system in normal mode, and the use of a wedge allows for more accurate tracking when shooting astrophotography.
It is worth focusing on a very important system – Go To, which has all the same functions as the more expensive Celestron models. The accuracy and ease of setting up a telescope for observations of celestial bodies is ensured by SkyAlign positioning technology.
There is also a built-in database of more than 40,000 objects, which makes it possible not only to observe, but also to conduct tours of the starry sky. In this case, it is very convenient to use the catalogue of coordinates of planets, star systems and nebulae. And also, explore and record your discoveries in the register.
Optical system – Maksutov-Cassegrain (one of the best options for optics, developed in the 40s of the XX century in the USSR. A feature is the coating of lenses with a thin layer of aluminium, which allows light to be reflected inside the eyepiece).
Lens diameter – 102 mm
Focal length – 1325 mm
Resolution – 1.37 arc sec.
Relative hole – 1/13
Max. useful magnification – 241x
Ultimate sound size – 12.5 m
Shielding of the lens – by area 12%, and by diameter 34%
Tracking speeds – Lunar, solar and stellar
Tracking modes – azimuth, equatorial
Setting procedures:
SkyAlign, Auto 2-Star Align, 1-Star Align, 2-Star Align, SolarSystem Align
RS-232 port – for communication with PC;
port for additional devices;
database – 40,000 objects;
200 custom objects